Teac FD-55BR

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Teac FD-55BR
Teac FD-55BR.jpg
Bus type PC Floppy
Bus width 1-bit
Bus speed 250 kHz0.25 MHz
Manufacturer Teac
Chipset Unknown
Compatible with DOS 360kB, DOS 180kB
Connectors None
Requires -5VDC? No
Requires -12VDC? No
Floppy Drive
Media type 5.25 inch floppy diskProperty "Media type" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Sides 2
Tracks 40
Density Double
Driver N/A

The Teac FD-55BR is the most recent Teac FD-55 series design of the PC-standard 360kB drive. This drive is a true 40-track drive, with heads twice the width of those in 80-track drives.

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