3Com 3C905B-TX

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3Com 3C905B-TX
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Bus type PCI
Bus width 32-bit
Bus speed 33 MHz
PCI 5V tolerant? Yes
PCI 3.3V tolerant? Using "Is PCI 3.3V tolerant" as property chain is not permitted during the annotation process.
Manufacturer 3Com
Chipset 3Com 40-0483-004
Connectors TP
Requires -5VDC? No
Requires -12VDC? No
Boot ROM Socket, 32-pin JEDEC, read-write
Driver Vogonsdrivers

The 3Com 3C905B-TX is a bus-mastering 100Mbps PCI network card.

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Boot ROM

This card's boot ROM socket will take a standard 32-pin EEPROM/Flash chip. The high address lines are not connected however, so only chips 128kB and under can be used. If chips larger than 128kB are used, their upper address lines will be left floating, causing unpredictable results (the bytes may change randomly as the address changes unexpectedly.

The card's DOS drivers come with a configuration program (3C90XCFG.EXE) that can be used to enable the ROM socket. The base address cannot be adjusted as this is controlled by the BIOS as part of the PCI device configuration process.
